PolyBLOCK Hedge Fund

Buying, holding, and trading Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, supplemented by hedging through derivatives, stablecoins, and diversified Altcoins.

PolyBLOCK Hedge Fund

The Company will raise separate funds allocated to a Crypto Fund to capitalize on the cryptocurrency market by employing a diversified hedge strategy. The strategy will involve an approach to buying, holding, and trading Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, supplemented by hedging through derivatives, stablecoins, and diversified Altcoins.

This approach helps manage risks while allowing for superior risk adjusted returns for investors. Using derivatives and shorting can be used to help managing downside risk in volatile markets.

Diversified Hedging Strategy using the right tools 


Leverage put options, futures contracts, short selling and exposure to DeFi tokens to engineer the best return possible. 

Staking & Yield Farming

Staking & Yield Farming are popular strategies for earning passive income with cryptocurrency assets you or the company own.

Portfolio Allocation

We seek an allocation dependent on our investors' attitude toward risk. Our portfolio allocation will reflect those risk tolerances and we will adjust accordingly.

Risk Management

Market, regulatory, operational and other risks will be managed accordingly to ensure our fund is returning stable, manageable gains.